Forum Announcement: Forum Rules
1. Forum rules

1.1. Do not post inappropriate content on any forum area. Your warning level will be significantly raised if caught doing this.

1.2. Do NOT publish any inside information of the team without permission from a Leader.
- 1.2.1. Sharing information which has been talked in the Member's Area with Outsiders is not allowed. Doing this will get you instantly kicked from the team.

1.3. You must use [spoiler] tags when posting several images in a single post to avoid clogging of the thread. Your warning level will be raised if caught not abiding to this.

1.4. Do not advertise/post links of inappropriate websites with content which is clearly unsuitable e.g websites with gore or undress in them.
- 1.4.1. Do not advertise sites that include .VOB mods as these are strictly forbidden on the TC servers and as an affiliate team, we do not tolerate usage of these.

1.5. Do not double post without reason. Please edit your previous reply to add any extra information. Deliberate double posting will result in your warning level being increased.

1.6. Do not 'backseat' moderate i.e. if there is a spammer/advertiser on the forums, please report the user using the 'Report' button on the bottom of the post and leave it to the Team Leaders as they will moderate the situation accordingly.